Partnerships for Research Culture Development

We take a partnerships approach to culture development

Research Culture is a complex concept and our ongoing work to enhance the five University of Glasgow priorities requires us to work in partnership with many other teams and colleagues across the university. There are many possible ways to understand or define what is and what is not part of the research culture – each university takes its own approach.

The University of Glasgow’s Research Culture Team’s work is focused purposefully on issues that are specific to the way we do research, and the way we support research careers.

The Research Culture Team’s key partners in the delivery of the five University of Glasgow priorities are:

We enable partnership working in two ways, firstly though the work of the Lab for Academic Culture which convenes a team of experts from across the university to ensure connectivity and alignment of Research Culture work across university strategies and strategic projects.

We also work with the research community through the Research Culture Commons, a university-wide network. Our Commons model connects people together and recognises that all members of the research ecosystem (researchers and research professional staff together) can contribute to a positive research culture and work in pursuit of our five research culture priorities.

Of course, our work intersects with other UofG work to enhance organisational culture such as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Bullying and Harassment, Anti-Racism, Wellbeing, Sustainability, Engagement, and Performance, Pay and Reward.

These vitally important topics apply to everyone who works and studies at the university and as such are part of the culture of the university as a whole organisation, beyond only the research aspects. These essential areas, and the legislation and policies which have been developed to enable them, also guide our approach to research culture work.

However the Research Culture Team does not hold overall responsibility for the areas of work linked below:

The graphic below, illustrates how we conceive of the five Research Culture priorities in the context of the wider university culture, and the research environment.

A complex diagram of different concepts presented as overlapping circles showing that the 5 research culture priorities are part of a complex web of organisational priorities